Catching the tail end of the month here after a whirlwind trip - no, not to Bangladesh - to Legoland, which I must say was amazing. More amazing still, I didn't take my computer and I did barely any work. Guess what - the computer didn't pine without me and the world didn't end. A timely reminder!
I wrote a story called 'The Shining Girl', set in India, where nothing is quite what it seems, for New Asian Writing, and I managed to get first prize. (I'll gloss over the fact that I received the notification early one Sunday morning and assumed for a long while it was a scam). You can have a look at it here, if you have a spare five minutes:
My second success has been being shortlisted for the Fresher Writing Prize 2016, and that story, The Twenty-Four Hour Promise, examining what happens when a thirty-something woman tells her best friend she's entering a convent, is being published in an anthology, due out about now. More about Fresher Publishing at:
Finally, if you're looking for a great read from a real, proper writer, check out Corrie Jackson's Breaking Dead. It's a crime thriller set in the midst of London Fashion Week and the world of modelling. The eBook is currently 98p and there's a paperback due out later in the year.